About Dry Eye

What is Dry Eye Disease?

Dry Eye Disease is a common condition seen by eye care professionals. It has a significant impact on quality of life, with symptoms such as foreign body sensation, pain, blurry vision, dryness or watery eyes. Risk factors include skin pathologies, immune or hormonal imbalances, environmental conditions, and poor hygiene.


Dry Eye Treatment?

Treatment involves the application of IPL pulses on the cheeks, nose (from tragus to tragus), and below the lower eyelids, usually administered in two passes. IPL settings depend on skin type. The schedule of treatments consists of 3 to 4 sessions, 2 to 4 weeks apart. Usually a single maintenance treatment is required after 6 to 12 months 19.

The science of OPT

Optima IPL: Next-Generation IPL Technology

Safe, gentle and effective, the Optima IPL is the next-generation IPL technology developed by Lumenis. Optimal Pulse Technology (OPT™) gives professional users the ability to control the pulse shape and provides reproducible results as well as gentle, and comfortable treatments (based on patients testimonials). This technology is specifically tailored for treatment of Dry Eye Diseasedue to Meibomian Gland Dysfunction.

Clinical Results

What are the doctors’ saying?

“Looking outside the eye has been the way the paradigm of dry eye has shifted in my practice.”

Tel Raviv, MD
Eye Center of New York


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